… Welcome …
"About WSY"



  • Webmaster ... Offering Website design & development.
  • Domain Name ... Consultant, registrations.
  • Domain name … Seller and lessor.
  • Web Hosting Provider ... ... (Learn All About Our Webhosting Business)
  • Website Address Provider ... Using Our domains with your unique /folder name choice.
  • Email Address Provider … YourName@AnyOfOurDomainNames.
  • Print products … Business cards, apparel, coffee mugs, banners and hundreds more.
  • Sign products … Yard signs, banners, posters, table covers, window graphics, and much more.

Site Concept ... See a need, and fill it. sees a need, and will strive to fill it.


The Need ? ... is to help individuals, families, and businesses in the world who have yet to take advantage of the web to help their bottom line through marketing and sales using the web.


At, we are committed to help anyone, and any business get started with a web presence quickly, simply, and inexpensively.  Or with one of our descriptive website addresses to offer a second way to your existing website.


We offer your choice of one or more very descriptive domain website addresses from our collection, with hosting included.


Every Home and Business and YOU have a


  • Unique Phone Number (World Wide)
  • Example: 1 (555) 123-4567  (USA - Canada)
  • Example: 44 20 7636 1188 (London, UK)
  • Unique Zip Code +4 (USA)
  • ... Example: 54770-7920
  • Unique Postal Code (World Wide)
  • ... Example: B5N6C8 supplies Unique website address(es) to homes, businesses and YOU !


By utilizing your unique

  • Phone number
  • Zip code +4
  • Postal code,


we add to any of our descriptive domain names, as a /folder


  • Phone Number
    > One Example:

  • Zip Code +4
    > One Example:

  • Postal Code
    > One Example:


A Descriptive domain name and web hosting is supplied with each URL subscription.

NOTE:  All phone numbers in USA, Canada, and World are available at subscription.

NOTE:  All Zip Code +4 are available in USA by subscription.

NOTE:  All Postal Codes are available world wide by subscription.




About Our Associated Sites


Using Your Phone Number (USA - Canada - World)



to learn how to get your website address that represents your unique phone number.

= Choose a descriptive domain + your unique phone number

= Phone Number AND Website Address … As ONE !

= You replace your plain jane phone number in any print media you use.



Using Your Zip Code +4 (USA)



to learn how to get your descriptive website address with your unique zip code +4.

= Choose a descriptive domain + your unique zip code +4

= (Website address for any home or business in USA)



Using Your Postal Code (World)



to learn how to get your descriptive website address with your unique postal code.

= Choose a descriptive domain + your unique postal code

= (Website address for any home or business in the world)



Using Our Descriptive Domains (World)


See to learn how to get your unique and descriptive website address.

= Choose a descriptive domain + your unique /Folder name of your choice

= (Website address for any home or business in the world)




Using Our Email Addresses (World)


See to learn how to get your unique and descriptive email address.

= Choose a descriptive domain + choose your unique name/address

= (Email address for anybody, home or business in the world)




Using Your Own Domain Name


See  ( our webhosting business ), to learn how you can find and register a good domain, build your site, or set it to auto-redirect to any website / page of your choice.


We have hunted for, collected, and sold domain names for over 20 years. We can help you find a good domain name that is available for registration.  We can register it for you, … You are the owner …, Contact us for help...


See how we can host your domain(s) and save you money with our web hosting service.

(Extensive how to's and video tutorials all about web hosting.)

Contact us for details.



Our Mission ... Is to enable our website clients & web address subscribers success through value-added solutions, supported by superior service and quality products professionally delivered with a sense of urgency.


WebsiteYET, and our associated sites







Let us know of questions, and just ask for a no obligation demo page, or a Free trial period for any URL we offer.


Once you see it live, and ponder it's benefits and value to you, then you can decide to subscribe and make it work for you.


Your unique phone number / zip code / postal code … when printed as a website address … takes it's advertising potential way up to the next level.


Every person / business can have a business card with your very own unique website address to help your bottom line.  Imagine the possibilities and potential going forward.


Do You have a Phone Number ? ...

Do You have a Zip Code +4 address ? ...

Do You have a Postal Code address ? …


Put any of these to work for your bottom line.


Subscribe today, and benefit.


See our hundreds of very descriptive domain names to utilize your unique phone number, zip code, or postal code.



You CAN have a working Website Address Today !


Ask for a Demo ...

See it on the Web ...

Ponder it's potential for You / Family / Business.

With Your Web Address Subscription,

you have hired your first 24/7 worker at a cost of less than

2 cents per hour.


As with your phone number website address that

replaces your plain phone number where ever you

now have in print.

Your 1-_ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ phone #

is working in many different places

at the same time for less than 2 cents / hr.

Phone Number AND Website Address
